What are Invisalign Refinements?

If your Invisalign treatment in Long Branch hasn’t gone as required, your dentist may recommend an Invisalign refinement. Refinements are minor adjustments made at the end of your Invisalign treatment procedure. Once you finish using your last set of aligner trays, your Long Branch dentist will assess to see if you require refinements.

Sometimes there may be a few changes that should be made to help you achieve that confident smile you desire. Whether it is a gap that didn’t close or a tooth that has failed to straighten into position, Invisalign refinements can help you achieve your best smile. Your new Invisalign refinements may be fitted in different places from where you had your aligner trays before.

Process of Getting Invisalign refinements

If your dentist finds out you need Invisalign refinement, they will evaluate your teeth first. Then they will recheck your bite and teeth using 3D to make a refinement treatment plan. Once this is done, your dentist will provide you with refinement trays to gradually help you straighten your teeth to the desired position. Your new trays will also close any visible gaps.

The sets of refinement aligner trays you need will depend entirely on your situation and the number of adjustments required. Your refinement treatment will extend the treatment timeline to six months, depending on your goals.

Is an Invisalign Refinement a Bad Thing?

Your dentist’s recommendation to get an Invisalign refinement does not necessarily show that you failed or your initial treatment has gone wrong. Your teeth can be unpredictable; even if your dentist predicts the best outcome, small changes might be required.

Typically the teeth that may require the most refinements are those that move unexpectedly and need rotational movements, such as canines and incisors. Other reasons for getting Invisalign refinement include the following:

  • Failing to put on your aligner trays for the recommended time (20—22 hours a day).
  • Going for an extended period without wearing your aligners.

How Much Does Invisalign Refinement Cost?

The cost of refinement depends on the patient’s circumstance. Some patients may receive the improvements for free, while others may be required to pay, particularly if extensive additional work is needed. If you are about to start your Invisalign treatment but are unsure how much you will need to pay for your refinements, consider consulting your orthodontist.

How to Ensure your Initial Treatment Goes as Planned

While you cannot control the speed at which your teeth move, there are several things you can do to ensure your Invisalign treatment goes as planned. These may include ensuring that you put on your aligners for 22 hours per day, practicing proper oral hygiene, and attending all your follow-up appointments.

Contact Saka Dental Spa for Invisalign Treatment

Do you wish to achieve a straighter and more attractive smile? The team at Saka Dental Spa will offer an Invisalign treatment tailored to meet your goals. Contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Saka.

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